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The last few weeks have been very busy. Students have had an in-school field trip learning about the four countries we are studying in Social Studies.

In Science they have been busy learning about how to alter pitch and how this is different to loudness. Ask them about designing their own science test. They were very engaged and even chose questions that were more rigorous than I would have!

In Language Arts we have started a novel study, The One and Only Ivan. They are very excited about this and many have been reading ahead. Other students need help with reading the words. Please read TO them if the words are too difficult. We also reread in class.

In Math we have moved to a new unit and have finished out unit on data collection. The students enjoyed designing their own surveys and drawing bar graphs.

Please continue to:

- sign the agenda

- check the website

- assist with homework

- make sure they are reading every night and signing their reading log

Please contact me with any questions, Mrs T.

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